Arkansas Insurance Adjuster Practice Exam 2024 - Free Insurance Adjuster Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Which of the following best describes the actions of Dr. Nelson?

Committing a tortfeasor

Committing health insurance fraud

Dr. Nelson is not committing a tortfeasor, which is someone who commits a civil wrong that unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. It also does not involve committing subrogation, which is the right of an insurer or creditor to take legal action against the person responsible for a loss or debt incurred by the insured or debtor. While Dr. Nelson may technically be operating within the letter of the law, health insurance fraud is still considered a criminal offense and therefore not fully within the intent of the law. So, B Committing health insurance fraud, is the best description of Dr. Nelson's actions in this scenario.

Committing subrogation

Operating within the letter of the law, if not its intent


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